Wednesday 2 January 2013

Young hearts run free

My other half has bought a Playstation 3. Yes, underneath the brash exterior of a 25 year old city high-flier is a small child with a penchant for pretending to be Batman. I'm not one to talk, really. This is the girl that spent New year's day curled up in reindeer pyjamas watching The Muppets movie with a fun-size bag of malteasers (since when has anything that small been fun?) Still, I'm almost disturbed by how much time one man can spend fiddling with a joystick in front of a giant screen.

We live in the age of kidult. That is, being adults and acting like kids. A couple in our early twenties, we currently live with my parents, a by-product of living in a generation where house prices are high and unemployment is frequent. When we first graduated and moved back home, we told ourselves it was temporary. Just enough time for me to gain a job and in turn, our own space. This last year hasn't been as easy as we'd hoped and eighteen months later, we have only just begun to peruse the windows of letting agents. Still, whilst being a kidult has had it's lows (lack of private life and a long walk to civilisation), it has also had its highs. In the last few months of me having a proper grown-up job, I have managed to cover my overdraft, purchase a swanky new Chromebook and book a trip to New York City. Would I have been able to have as good a time in a shared flat where the rent almost quadruples what I currently pay at home? I think not.

I'm looking forward to the next year. For the first time in a long time, I'm looking forward to being young. Travelling, taking beautiful photos, reading wonderful books, running, eating foods I've never tried, watching new films and building relationships with people I love. This year, my resolution is to relax and enjoy the freedom of my youth. The sky is the limit.