It’s official. Being ‘uncool’ is the new cool. Confused? So am I. It all started last week when my best friend casually announced “I’ve done it. I’ve bought a thermal vest.” For her, she was merely stating how she’d spent her weekend. For me, it was much like the beginning of an AA meeting. My initial reaction was one of utter disgust. At the spritely age of twenty-two, surely the only underwear she need purchase are lacy unmentionables from trendy high-street stores. You know, those knickers that are horrifically uncomfortable in a seated position but claim to make you look like Megan Fox’s body double. It was this outspoken confession that made me realise, it’s hip to be square.
Yes, we twentysomethings are giving up excessive vodka consumption and careless promiscuity in favour of knitting patterns and cups of English breakfast tea. I kid you not. Old-fashioned hobbies such as baking cupcakes, sewing and even scrapbooking have made a serious comeback in recent years. Whether it’s the faltering economy or the increase in popularity for everything vintage, women are heading back to the 1950’s by customising their own clothes and baking their own cupcakes instead of buying them. We’re replacing nights out of debauchery for sensible nights in, whilst taking hair and make-up tips from our Nan.
Fashion has also taken note. It appears that wearing loafers and geek glasses is apparently now a sign of being fashion conscious, instead of a reason to get bullied at school. Just ask Mark Ronson. A few years ago, ex-spice girl Victoria Beckham was seen buying a cocktail dress in the Notting Hill branch of Oxfam. Instantly, the British media went into a frenzy. Oxfam was declared fashionable, and sales went through the roof. Previously associated with moth eaten nightshirts and dead people, the humble charity shop was now considered the place to be.
Nights out have also become retro, with many bright young things favouring the bingo hall or bowling alley over a banging nightclub. Edgy new venues such as London’s Shake, Rattle and Bowl provides a great mix of jive dancing, Diner and tenpin bowling for those that like a bit of harmless fun. I was recently informed by a colleague that a night down the Gala was also one hell of a thrill, and I must agree. The sheer anticipation of the numbers as they are called, coupled with the adrenaline and excitement of yelling ‘HOUSE!’ For me, its enough to rival an underground venue playing awful drum and bass and selling spirits for ridiculous prices. I admit it. I’m probably the squarest of them all. Oh, and number one on my Christmas list? You’ve guessed it. Thermal vest.